U.S.History Assignments

Questions on the Constitution
A. Causes of the War for Independence
B. The First Civil war
C. Launching the New Nation
D. The New Century
E. The Age of Jackson
Test on A,B,C,D,E Tues 24th Sept.
Map One
Civil War and Reconstruction
Reconstruction and Expansion
A. Industry and Technology
B. Immigrants, Urbanization and The Machine
C. Science, Culture and Urban Life
D. The Progressive Era
E. What was Revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution ?
Test on A,B,C,D,E, Friday, 9th
The American Empire
The Home Front
The Lost Peace
Jazz Age Glossary
Jazz Age Issues
Culture in the 1920's
Wall Street Lays an Egg
The Swingin' 30's
Headlinemakers - 1930's
World War 11 Glossary
World War 11 - The Big Picture
Post War Blues
(download) Pax Americana
Cold War Quiz Apr. 16
Fifties Culture Quiz May 3
Kennedy and the Cold War(due May 2)
Personalities of the 1960's
LBJ and the Great Society
A Decade of Turmoil
The Nixon Years(due May 14)
Watergate: Nixon's Downfall(due May 15)
The Ford and Carter Years
Win One for the Gipper
The Cold War Ends
The Clinton Presidency