Name__________________________ Period______

The Home Front


1. Does the Personal Voice article by Eddie Rickenbacker (pg.408) confirm or contradict the theory that humans are innately violent ? (explain)





2. What specific effects did the War Industries Board (WIB) have on; (pgs.410-411)

a. the U.S. Economy



b. womens clothing



3. What effect did the war have on women in the work place ? (411, 415)



4. What happened to them after the war ? (411)



5. What was the main purpose of the government's propaganda campaign ? (pg. 411)



6. Describe specific examples of anti-immigrant hysteria during the war. (pg.412-413).




7. How did W.E.B. Du Bois, the NAACP and oter African-Americans react to the war ? (pgs.414-415)




8. Describe three factors which led to The Great Migration of black Americans ? (pg.414-415)







9. How did northern whites react to The Great Migration ? (pg.415)




10. The internatonal flu epidemic of 1919 killed 40 million people worldwide. How did the epidemic affect the U.S. ? (pg.416)






Abrams v. United States (pg.409)



Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.(pg.409)



Bernard Baruch (pg.410)



Herbert Hoover (pg.411)



War Bonds (pg.412)



George Creel (pg.412)



Peter Prager (pg.413)



Espionage and Sedition Acts (pg. 413)



race riots (pg.415)





World War I, "the war to end all wars", brought about many politial, social, and economic changes in American life. While dealing with these changes, Americans were also faced with a deadly flu epidemic. After the war and the epidemic ended, the people looked to President Wilson to obtain a peace settlement that would put an end to war forever.