Watergate: Nixon's Downfall

Identify or explain:

Imperial Presidency (pg.793)


Committee to Re-elect the President (C.R.E.E.P.)


Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein


James McCord (pg.796)


Judge John Sirica


Senator Sam Ervin


Elliot Richardson (pg.796)


Archibald Cox


The Saturday Night Massacre (pg.796)


Spiro Agnew (pg.796)



Who were the "President's Men" and what role did they play in the Nixon administration ? (pg.794)






Why did the Nixon campaign team take such a risky action as breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex ? (pg.794)




What steps did the White House take to cover up its involvement in the Watergate break-in ? (pg.795)




What was significant about the revelation that Nixon taped his conversations ? (pg.796)




Nixon hoped that releasing the tapes would convince the public of his truthfulness. What was the public's reaction to the tapes ? (pg.796)




In the words of Senator Howard Baker: "What did the President know and when did he know it" ? (pg.797)




How did the Watergate scandal create a constituional crisis ? (pg.797)