
The New Century - 1800-1825

The Jefferson Era:

Thomas Jefferson's theory of government called Jeffersonian republicanism was based on his belief that states should have more power than the federal government. As president he slashed the size of the army and navy and rolled back Alexander Hamilton's successful economic program by eliminating all federal taxes and reducing the influence of the Bank of the United States.

Identify, explain or define the following. (pgs. 119-121)

Marbury v. Madison (1803)



judicial review



Louisiana purchase



Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)









In 1812 Great Britain was involved in a major war with Napolean Bonaparte of France. In that same year the war hawks of the South and West pushed a reluctant president James Madison into asking congress for a declaration of war against Britain. Their goal was to try and conquer British North America (Canada) and destroy Tecumseh's Native American confederation while Britain's armed forces were pre-occupied with the war against Napolean. Two American attempts to invade Canada, however, were beaten back by the British and their Native American allies but Tecumseh was killed in the Battle of the Thames in 1813 leding to the end of his confederacy.

What was the most stunning (a)British victory and the most impressive (b)American victory in the war of 1812 ? (pg. 122)




List three consequences of the war of 1812 ?








James Monroe (pg.122)



Monroe Doctrine