Name_______________________________ Period________

Industry and Technology

List three components which are necessary for industrialization to occur ? (pg.246)




Explain how the Bessemer process revolutionized the production of steel ? (pg.247)



List three uses for steel ? (pg.248)




Watt, Volta, Ampere (electricity) were the three primary inventors of electricity but Thomas Edison's engineers at his laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ perfected the incandescent light bulb.

List the main changes electricity brought to American life. (pg.248)





The railroad was invented by British engineer George Stephenson. List 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of railroad expansion in the U.S..(pgs.253-255)






Describe the main contribution of each of the following:

Alexander Graham Bell (pg.248)


Christopher Scholes (pg.248)


George Pullman (pg.255)


Andrew Carnegie (pg.257)


Herbert Spencer (pg.258)


Horatio Alger books (pg.258)


John D. Rockefeller (pg.259)


Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)


Samuel Gompers (pg.265)


Explain how Charles Darwin's theory of evolution affected 19th century economic policy. (pg.258)



Describe the industrial working conditions which contributed to the creation of labor unions ? (pgs.262-263)






Garnegie's "gospel of wealth" theory (pgs.259-260)


monopoly (pg.259)


philanthropy (pg.265)


Socialism (pg.265)


Haymarket affair (pg.267)


Pullman strike (pg.267)


Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (pg.268)