Congratulations! You have been hired as an aide in the office of a new member of Congress. This job was not your first choice, you don’t always agree with this Representative's positions on issues, but it will give you the opportunity to get directly involved in the politics of Congress.

Your first big assignment in this new job is to research and summarize an issue your new boss anticipates will be important in Congress. You have an initial list of questions to answer (see other side). You are to become the expert on this issue, able to answer (or find answers to) questions from the Representative or other staffers. You are expected to make a presentation to your "boss" and the rest of the staff answering these questions in a portfolio.

This project requires you to demonstrate your knowledge, skill, and political savvy. It is not primarily a place to push your own agenda (although your opinions should be part of the conclusion).

The presentation should not only be accurate and complete, but it should be interesting, clear, and easily understood by your audience—the Representative and the rest of the staff. (e.g., Graphics and handouts will probably help in your presentation. There are other people on the staff who can help you prepare. Take advantage of their skills—ask for technical help.) Above all, the presentation should clearly delineate the politics of the issue and the trade offs involved in taking a position.

You will have to prepare only a minimum of paperwork. At the time you make your presentation, the Representative will want

1. a written summary (outline),
2. a bibliography,
3. (A) either a press release describing your recommendation of the position you believe the Representative should take on the issue
(B) (If you think it best not to announce a position) written answers to two questions the Representative most likely will be asked about the issue at a press conference

Use this link to see list of issues

Minimal questions to address in your presentation (If, while doing your research, you find others that your boss should consider, make sure you discuss them.):

Use this link to see list of issues



Created by Ken Wedding 08.07.01. Updated 08.27.01.