Quickwrites and Book Reports

 AP Gov. Book Report Requirement

...three book reports are a pre-requisite for the course...


...the core of written assignments for the course...

"Quickwrite Instructions"

...use this format when writing your quickwrites...

Hardball Project

Evaluating Supreme Court Precedents

Think Tank Exercise

(constructed by Ken Wedding, Hopkins H.S., Minnetonka, MN)

From The Bill of Rights; a users guide

14th Amendment vocabulary

Article Analysis Rubric

(1) Bradley's Fatal Mistakes

(2)"Soft Money: It Wasn't Meant to Turn Out This Way"

(3) Valley Lags in Political Giving

From the Woll supplement:

Check and Balance

The Presidential Character

The Challenge of Democracy website

... the website for our textbook...

Current Events Index Cards

... weekly current events assignment...

 Contemporary Issues

...detailed coverage of current news stories... 

Political Science Homepage

...American Political Science Association website...

College Board Online

...essential AP information, including sample questions and essays...

U.S.I.A. Government Outline

...a web page designed to explain how the American Government works...

Amazon Books

...the world's largest "virtual" discount bookseller...